Consignment vs. Resale vs. Thrift
A Consigment Store sells your items for you. When sold, the store pays you a percentage of the selling price (usually 50% of the selling price) in cash or store credit, whichever you prefer.
A Resale Store buys your items upfront and pays either cash or store credit. With Resale, because the store is taking a chance on the selling price, you are paid considerably less for your items.
A Thrift Store is a “not for profit” store and is selling donated items. These stores are usually associated with a Church or Charity and must meet State Regulations to operate as a Thrift store.
You make more money for your items by Consigning – but you will have to wait until your items get sold (within 60 days.) You will also know the selling price of your item, therefore you know exactly how much you are getting for it. For some items, the consignment store will ask you the selling price you want for them.